Friday, February 08, 2008

The Vyne: Update II in photos

Feb. 3, from Central Avenue (above).

Jan. 19, from Central Avenue (above).

Photos shot Feb. 3 detail continuing work at The Vyne at Central Avenue and Briar Creek Road. I've tried (amateurishly) to match a couple of the February photos with those from the same angles from Jan. 19, with two bonus photos from Feb. 3 at the end. Grading and other site work has continued since that date; that's why the bonus photos at the end are interesting. The old Plummer house sat on a bit of a knoll, as is clear from the Terraserver image in an earlier post. The site is more level now, with some elevation for that skyline view perhaps lost. Still, you can catch a bit of downtown's buildings framed by the dirt mover in the last photo. Big water or sewer pipes are stacked at the site now as well.

Feb. 3, from Briar Creek Road (above).

Jan. 19, from Briar Creek Road (above).

Feb. 3, from Central Avenue (above).

Feb. 3, from Briar Creek Road, with a bit of skyline (above).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I fail to understand how a developer can clear-cut every single tree on the site and still bill its project as "green."